Happy Birthday, Buddha!

In Japan, Buddha’s birthday is on April 8 and is called the Flower Festival (Hanamatsuri). However, in other parts of Eastern Asia, the celebration is held on the eighth day of the fourth month of the Chinese calendar. So this year it lands on May 5. I was so lucky to be in Seoul on April 30 which started the week long festival of Buddha’s birthday. Whilst in the bus with Saeeun and Junghoon (Martin), we became blocked amidst the most gorgeous street festival.



We got off the bus and spent the most magical hours in the streets of Jong-ro. Thousands upon thousands of buddhists paraded along the streets. Performers played traditional and modern spectacles on stage. At one point, machines spewed out confetti that went on for an hour. It was incredible feeling the peace and devotion for Buddha.


It was such an indescribable and unexpected last night in Seoul. I will always remember that night as one of my precious memories during this last trip to Korea.

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